Come sit around the campfire of ideas to (re)create

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Prezi Response

I was reading a post on The Number Warrior about tilting number lines. The post asks the question, "is the left-to-right number line the best?" The case is made that some see numbers on lines in different ways.  People with synesthesia are notable examples of the phenomena.  The Number Warrior speculated that maybe alternate positioning of the number line may help students learn.  One commenter suggested that students might have a difficult time with that when they started using planes and Cartesian coordinate systems.  I disagreed with the comment and started typing a response and then I thought, "what if I prezi-ed my response?" So that is what I did.  The number line prezi was fun to make and I think it could be a nice conversation starter. I will post about what happens.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Google Earth and Justice?

I've been using my web cam to reflect on lessons (usally I walk down the hall talking to a computer). It is interesting how google earth could raise issues of justice. I'm wondering if we don't teach students to access/use current tools will that make us complicit in the achievement gaps and learning inequalities. I'm working on make the reflection meaningful for me, but in an effort to share learning and thinking I will post a few of the reflections here.

Google Earth and Access